Friday, June 1, 2012

Old School, New Clothes: A Conversation with Author Ron Hoch

The impact of Dr. Smith and Mr. Hoch’s energetic and applicable teaching style can be seen in the students of DC and in their pursuit of becoming stronger Christians. Even though Dr. Smith has left DC, both teachers continue to impact the lives of students at DC as well as people outside of the DC community. 
In order to help encourage and strengthen people’s relationship with God through Christian education, the duo has just recently released their new book entitledOld School, New Clothes.

While they were both Bible teachers at DC, Dr. Smith and Mr. Hoch came up with the idea to write a book after many in-depth conversations. “It was probably January of 2010. It was a series of conversations that we came up with the idea and felt lead to do it,” elaborated Mr. Hoch. 

“My ultimate goal is that [Old School, New Clothes] would encourage those involved in Christian education to think and act in a way that is more faithful to biblical teaching; to draw us into a closer relationship with the living God”, Mr. Hoch commented.

The main premise of Old School, New Clothes is that there are many common ideas and practices in modern Christian education that actually oppose a biblical Christian worldview. “In order to be more faithful servants of the living God and Disciples of Christ, there are certain things we need to correct about education" explained Mr. Hoch when asked about what the book was trying to convey to its readers. The book came out in the fall this past year, and its release was met with much positive feedback.

Here's a taste of what people are saying about the book:

"Old School, New Clothes is a compelling response to the triumph of 'neo-Kantian' thinking in the realm of Christian education. Hoch and Smith remind us that because we live in a universe that has already been integrated by God, the integration of faith and learning is not a project to be pursued, but a reality to be discerned. Highly recommended, particularly for its emphasis upon the doctrine of creation and its relevance to the life of the believing mind." 
-Paul Kjoss Helseth, author of Right Reason and the Princeton Mind: An Unorthodox Proposal
"No matter which choice you make about Christian or homeschooling, it is vital that parents and teachers pay attention to the philosophy on which that school is founded. This book made me think deeply about my own education, how we choose to educate our children, and how our decisions will affect the biblical foundation of the church for generations to come. This book is a great resource for fostering thoughtful discussions on biblical education among homeschooling families as well as in parent/teacher associations."
-Cheryl Brubaker
"As an educator and administrator who spends hours contemplating the great questions of education, I read with voracity the ideas presented within the pages of Old School, New Clothes. Ron Hoch and David Smith, like surgeons excising cancer, have cut through to the most fundamental truths and fallacies of education. In doing so, they challenge the 'Christian educator' to closely examine every presupposition that is held in Christian schools today."
-Dona Hedgecock
The book can currently be ordered on For more information on Old School, New Clothes, visit

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